Follow-up activities refer to check-in phone calls completed with individuals at 24-hours, 7-days and 28-days post initial service delivery. Follow-ups can be completed with individuals seen via one-on-one services, or where an individual has participated in a group session (i.e., has not undertaken an individual session but has requested/consented to follow-up).
Ensure that all group and one-on-one activities have been added to the Engagement before proceeding to book follow-up activities.
See Adding a Group Activity and Writing Case Notes
See Adding an Individual (one-on-one) Activity and Writing Case Notes
Please refer to the below instructions for booking a follow-up activity for an individual in the following two scenarios:
Where an individual has been seen in a one-on-one session
Where an individual has been seen in a group session, and did not participate in a one-on-one session
Booking a follow-up for an individual who has been seen in a one-on-one session
Booking a follow-up for an individual who has been seen in a group session, and did not participate in a one-on-one session
On the capture activities page, choose the 'Follow-ups” tab
The user is navigated to a ‘Follow Up Details’ page - select the ‘+ Add’ button
A pop-up screen is displayed, select ‘New Client’ and proceed to fill in the required client details and the follow-up activity booking, followed by ‘Submit’
Only book one follow-up service at a time - i.e., schedule the 24-hour follow-up on the chosen date and do not pre-book the 7-day or 28-day service.
When conducting each follow-up, the clinician should be determining in that session with the client whether further follow-up activities are required at subsequent check-points. If agreed, and where consent is obtained from the client, the clinician can book subsequent follow-up activities.
When selecting the follow-up activity, the user can choose the follow-up date by selecting the calendar icon. The system will automatically set this follow-up as a 15-minute session, in the next available timeslot in the clinicians' calendar on that chosen day. At present, UCM does not allow the ability to choose the time of the follow-up - this is an enhancement which is currently in progress.