Where walk-the-floor (informal connection) activities have been undertaken as part of the Engagement, select ‘+Add’ and choose ‘Walk the Floor’ from the drop-down menu.
The user will then be navigated to a pop-up screen where the details/case notes of the walk-the-floor activity can be completed.
Complete all fields:
Duration: select the duration of the walk-the-floor session from the drop-down list
Activity Description: provide a concise description of the walk-the-floor session
Issue Category: select the issue category from the drop-down list
Issue: select the issue from the drop-down list
No. of Attendees: add the number of participants seen for each presenting issue category/issue
The user can either add a new ‘walk-the-floor’ activity for each instance of this activity under the engagement, or table all data across the course of the activity into one entry. See example below. It is required that clinicians keep accurate notes including total duration, activity descriptions and all other mandatory data fields.
Select ‘Add Interaction’ to add further ‘issue category’; ‘issue’ & ‘no. of attendee’ entries
Select ‘Complete’ when all notes are completed, or ‘save & close’ to allow a draft to be saved where you can return at a later time to complete your notes.
There is a cancel option also if you wish to cancel this entry.
Each ‘walk-the-floor’ entry will be added to the overall Engagement activities.
Select ‘edit’ to make changes to this activity entry, or ‘remove’ to delete information.
Activities will be flagged as ‘completed’ or ‘in progress’ for a quick view of the status of the case, reminding the user to complete any ‘in progress’ activities before conclusion.