Consultant Case Notes Guide

As a regular onsite wellbeing consultant, you will be receiving your own tablet prior to commencing your first onsite visit. Your tablet will you to allow you to enter in your stats via a Progressive Web App (PWA) on the spot and on the go, giving you more time to spend with our customers.

Our PWA is called Onsite Statistics Application (OSA). This is a progressive web app that's built using web platform technologies that provides a user experience like that of a platform-specific app.

This Guide will take you through viewing your engagements and entering in your statistics using OSA.

If you have not already set up your tablet, please refer to the guide Get started with Converge Tablet before beginning this guide

New Terminology

With the launch of the new platform, we have new terminology that we will use throughout this guide.

  • Program

    • The overarching onsite program, eg Citipower Geelong

  • Program Number

    • Each program will have a number specific to it for its duration

  • Engagement

    • Refers to each visit

  • Engagement ID

    • This is a number that is specific to each individual visit

Case Notes

With the introduction of tablets and the OSA, entering case notes has been made easier for you with a free text box made available to input all case note details. To ensure the quality of case notes across Onsite Wellbeing Support, we have put together a template and example of what details to include in your case notes.

Please ensure to include the following within the “Session Case Notes” text box.

Case Notes Template

  • Client information and Privacy Consent Form

  • What are the issues the client presented with?

  • Session case notes

  • Interventions

  • Goals, Actions & Homework

  • Mental health risk assessment completed? Y/N (and comments)

  • Referral options discussed

Case Notes Example

  1. Client information and Privacy Consent Form

At the start of a 1:1 session with a new client, it’s important to ensure that the client has read/ signed a copy of CVI’s “Client Information & Privacy Consent Form” which includes:

  • Informed consent: Explaining confidentiality, impartiality, non-advocacy and privacy information

  • Introduction Check List: Includes explaining the parameters of the 1:1 service as being short-term solution-focussed support

Note: Ensure that your case notes reflect that above information has been covered, understood and consent provided and agreed to by the client. Also ensure client name and mobile contact is recorded as a minimum. If appropriate please record the address and emergency contact details.

  1. What are the issues the client is presenting with?

Example: Low mood and difficulty sleeping.

  1. Session Case Notes

Example: The client reported that:

  • She has been feeling low for the past couple of weeks, most days of the week

  • She has had disturbed sleep, some nights struggling to fall asleep

  • She is struggling to balance work and home responsibilities and has been feeling overwhelmed and is not getting enjoyment out of anything lately

  • She has seen a psychologist before, about 2 years ago when she was suffering from depression after her mother passed away (diagnosed by her GP)

  • She would like some strategies for managing her mood as she is worried that she is experiencing depression again and does not want to have to take medication which she feels she may have to if she doesn’t start to feel better

  1. Interventions

Example: Empathic listening, psychoeducation around depression, Self-care, Scheduling in enjoyable activities and exploration of previous coping strategies.

  1. Goals, Actions & Homework

Example: Continue to support client with strategies to support her to understand the triggers for current low mood, and to track interventions and effectiveness. Client to track mood and schedule some time to do things she enjoys; add exercise back in; explore options for a baby-sitter.

  1. Mental health risk assessment completed? Y/N and comments

It is important to include the following details in your risk assessment notes for clinical purposes. This will include a summary of historical or recent attempts, self-harm or hospitalisations, including risk factors and protective factors.

Risk assessment notes

  •  Risk assessment rating scale - Nil, Low, Medium, High

Example: Medium

  • Mental State observations as relevant to clinical presentation

Example: Client presented as alert and coherent. Client did not disclose family violence, substance abuse, self-harm, harm to others, or suicidal ideation during session.

  •  Safety planning

Example: Developed a Safety Plan during session in Beyond Now ( and emailed directly to client from website.

Include details of the developed plan here.

  • Risk Factors

Example: Presented in session as intoxicated, recent relationship breakdown, loss of job, anniversary of death of child

  • Protective Factors

Example: Future focussed despite current challenges, He is seeing his GP, we have created a safety plan, he reports he would not act because of his family

  1. Referral options discussed

Example: Short-term free counselling support via Converge EAP on 1300 687 327
Longer term support via referral to private psychologist via Mental Health Care Plan via GP.





Onsite Clinical Team

Your Onsite Clinical Team Leaders

For VIC & NSW:

Sue-Ellen Pashley
Team Leader Onsite Services


Derek Croser
Team Leader Onsite Services

For Onsite Escalations & Clinical management:

Jason Brown
Manager - Onsite Consultants

Onsite Wellbeing User Support Team

Support - Converge International