Rēhita mō te tāpuitanga tuihono (register for online booking)
This is a Māori translation of the original guide https://convergeintl.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CG/pages/133201958
Step 1: Uru ki te paetukutuku; Access the portal
I runga i to rorohiko, waea ranei:
Direct link: Online Booking (converge-online.com)
Or, via the Converge International website - convergeinternational.com.au then click “Book Appointment”
Or, via the Converge International app available from the Apple App store and Google Play Store
Step 2: Whakaratohia the Organisation Code
Whakauruhia te waehere i homai e to mahi, then click “Check”
Your organisation code can usually be found in your Human Resources, People or Wellness intranet portal or internal emails from those teams within your organisation.
Mena ka hiahia awhina koe mo to waehere, whakapaa mai: https://convergeintl.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/5
If you are using the Converge International App:
After downloading the Converge App, launch the application
Tap “Get Started” to register
You’ll be taken to 3 information screens - tap next to proceed each time
Finally, enter your Organisation Code
Tap “Next”
Step 3: Sign up form
Whakauruhia to wahitau imeera me te hanga kupuhipa hei haina; Enter your email and create a password.
Step 4: SMS and Email verification
Whakaratohia to nama waea hei manatoko i o korero; Provide your mobile number for verification
Na ka tirohia to imeera ki te manatoko i to wahitau imeera; Next, verify your email.
Step 5: Nga korero whaiaro
Whai muri, taapirihia o korero whaiaro kia taea ai e matou te hanga i to korero; Next, add your personal and contact details section so we can create your profile.
Step 6: Whakaratohia to korero mahi
Whakaratohia to korero mahi, Next, enter your employment information
Next Steps and further reading
After completing the registration, you’ll be ready to book your first appointment. For guidance on booking an appointment, click here: https://convergeintl.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CG/pages/141164610
If you need assistance with the online booking portal, you can contact our User Support team here https://convergeintl.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/5/create/69?parentProduct=JSM-Portal&parentProductContentContainerId=10053&initialAllowedFeatures=disable-login-flow.disable-share or call our customer service team on 1300 687 327.