Book an appointment
This guide will walk you through booking an appointment using the self-service Converge International online booking portal.
Get started
Before you get started, you’ll need an account linked to an eligible organisation for online booking. If you haven’t set one up yet, follow this guide:
Step 1: Login to the online booking portal
Head to the online booking portal:
Direct link: Online Booking (
Or, via the Converge International website - then click “Book Appointment”
Or, via the Converge International app available from the Apple App store and Google Play Store
If accessing the website, click “Login” then enter your email and password to login.
If you are using the Converge International App, you should be logged in already, otherwise login.
Step 2: Click Book Appointment
If you can’t see this, you may need to complete your profile details to proceed by clicking “Personal Details” tab.
Step 3: Complete the questionnaire
Next, complete the questionnaire form:
Individual will be preselected. For Couple or Group appointments, call us.
Let your consultant know about what you are needing support with so they can prepare for the session
Select a service from the drop down menu
Select the closest matching “Issue category” so we can match you with the right consultant
Select the closest matching issue from the drop down menu
Once you select this, the modality will appear. Select your preference for a phone call, video via Microsoft Teams or in person appointment.
Consultant gender preference, otherwise select “No Preference”
when done.
Step 4: Confirm time and date of appointment
Next, you’ll be presented with a calendar view of available appointments to select from.
Select the date or click the arrow button to look at the following month
Select an available time slot then click
A pop up will then appear, showing the appointment information and asking you to confirm. Click
Next steps and further reading
Wellbeing Survey
Shortly before your appointment is due to begin, you’ll receive an SMS with a link to a confidential wellbeing survey. The wellbeing survey assists your consultant with understanding what you need help with and to help both you and the consultant monitor and review your progress while using the EAP service. The survey takes approximately 2-3 minutes to complete and the results are confidentially stored.
Registering to use the Online Booking Portal
To use the online booking portal, you’ll need to register for an account. Learn more here:
Rescheduling an appointment
When accessing EAP services with Converge International, you are entitled to a set number of sessions based on your contract. You can reschedule an appointment via the online booking portal. View this guide for more information:
Please note that a 24-hour cancellation policy applies to all bookings. Any reschedule made within 24 hours will result in the loss of the session. This also applies to same day bookings.
Cancelling an appointment
When accessing EAP services with Converge International, you are entitled to a set number of sessions based on your contract. You can cancel an appointment via the online booking portal. View this guide for more information:
Non-eligible services
The following services are not yet available for online booking:
Urgent Appointment
Appointment on behalf of someone else
Couples or family counselling
Support for minors
Disability or interpreter assistance
After hours or weekend appointment
If you need to book a service from the above list, please call us on 1300 687 327.