Client Observed Issues & Issue Questionnaire explained

When completing an appointment, you’ll be presented with the “Client Observed Issues” and “Issue Questionnaire” multiple choice page.

This page is mandatory and must be accurately recorded as it will be stored against the client’s profile and may be used if required, including if there is a subpoena.

If you are a Practice or Practice admin, view the “Offline Questionnaire” section at the bottom of this guide to download the PDF version of the questions for your clinician to complete and hand to the admin to enter into the Phoenix portal when completing an appointment.

Why does Converge collect this data?

Converge collects this data for analytics purposes. By understanding if a client is using EAP services for personal or professional reasons, it helps us tailor our services for other clients and their organisations.

Converge shares anonymised analytics data with larger organisations. Client identifiable data, including names, positions and individual locations or workplace identifiers are never collected and never shared in this analytics data reporting to organisations. This data may help organisations with addressing potential issues in workplaces and may also be required under state or territory legislation.

What if my client requests this data?

Should a data request be made, direct the client to Converge International by calling 1300 687 327.

Each question explained

“Pre-populate Issue Category and Description with Most Recent Information?”

Always select yes for this question. This ensures data we have from the clients' profile is used to complete the section below.

“Primary observed issue”

“Primary Observed Issue Category”

If you selected yes on the previous question, this should be pre-filled. If you need to change this, delete the text and a drop down menu will appear where you can select the Primary observed issue category.

“Primary Observed Issue Description”

This will be preselected. If you need to change it, delete the text and a drop down menu will appear to select the issue description.

“Even if this was not the primary issue discussed, has the client experienced”

Perceived bullying or harassment in the current workplace

Yes, no or don’t know. If the client has not presented for a workplace issue or you are assisting a direct family member of a client, select “don't know”

Primary Observed Issue Category
Yes, no or don’t know. If the client has not presented for a workplace issue or you are assisting a direct family member of a client, select “don't know”

Perceived Family and Domestic Violence

Yes, no or don’t know. If the client has presented for a workplace issue, select “don't know”

“I suggested to the client that they explore:”

Their company’s internal processes to report or discuss a workplace issue

This question asks if a workplace issue was discussed, did the client use an internal process of their workplace or organisation to report it or discuss it? If the client is using the EAP service for a personal issue, or if you are seeing a direct family member of the client, select No.

“In your assessment, what is the client’s level of risk?”

This question asks the risk of this issue escalating further. Select the appropriate option.

“Which of the following best describes the client’s perception of the workplace’s role in their issues?”

This question asks how the client perceives their work place in relation to the issue they discussed with you. If the client is discussing a personal issue, or if you are seeing a direct family member of the client, select “None of the above”.

“To the best of your knowledge, how have this client’s issues impacted their:”

This question asks about how the issue the client has discussed (if a work related issue) has impacted workplace relationships, work satisfaction and work performance. The first three in this question is related to the workplace, the last one, “personal relationships” is how the clients issue has impacted their personal relationships.

“In your assessment, is this issue likely to be:”

This question asks for your assessment of the clients issue to be long, medium or short term. Select the appropriate option. This response is based on your current and previous (if any) sessions.

“What is the expected referral pathway for this client”

This question asks about, based on your current assessment of the client, what the pathway for this client will be - are you going to refer the client for external treatment or support or are you planning to refer them for external treatment of support at the end of their allocated EAP sessions. Or choose the last option if the scope of EAP and the allocated sessions (and extra sessions if applicable) are sufficient.

With all of the questions above, the question is asking about the client based on your observations for that current session. Phoenix remembers these submitted answers and presents them for subsequent sessions - for subsequent sessions, you only need to make changes if a change has been observed.

Offline questionnaire

If you are a practice, you may be delegating the process of completing the post session questionnaire to a practice admin or manager. In these instances, the consultant may not directly complete the questionnaire in the portal - you can provide a PDF version of the form to the consultant to complete and then have your practice admin or manager complete it on their behalf in the portal when processing the appointment.

Remember to securely destroy any paper or digital version of the form immediately after it has been entered into the portal.

Download the PDF version of the issue questionnaire: