Completing an appointment (Quick View)

A simplified version of this guide is available:

This guide will walk you through completing an appointment from Quick View and is applicable to all Consultant types, except Practices who are using Classic View.

When completing an appointment, you’ll be taken to one of 4 pages for the 1st session - As shown in the diagram below. When you are seeing the client for their 2nd and subsequent session(s), you won’t be presented with the Disclaimer and Consent page (see diagram).

Completing an appointment is a mandatory step to enable accurate recording of the session, session count deduction from the client and for on time payment processing for work you have completed. If you do not complete the appointment, the payment will not be processed as the status of the appointment will appear as incomplete work.

Video of this guide is avaiable:

Actioning an Appointment Video Associates.m4v

Step 1: Find the appointment in Quick View

To complete an appointment, find it in the “Appointments not started” section of Quick View. Do not commence sessions from “My Calendar” unless instructed otherwise.

If you can’t find an appointment, you can search for it using the filter tool:

  1. When you find the appointment, you want to commence, click the “Commence” button.

  2. After clicking commence, a pop up will appear confirming if you want to commence the session. Click “Proceed to Commence Appointment”.

Step 2: Note taking page

The note taking page is where consultants can complete case notes for their sessions. This page is only mandatory for Converge employees. As a Converge Partner or Associate, if you are intending to keep and manage the client's data (notes) on your own device, you can proceed to click “Next” near the bottom right of this page.

If you would like Converge to manage your client's data (notes) you can use this page and fill out the sections.

Step 3: Client observed issues & Client outcomes questionnaire

Next, you’ll be presented with a page where you will need to complete some multiple-choice questions. As Converge is an Employee Assistance Program provider, most questions from this page will relate to determining if the issue the client has presented with is related to the workplace or is a personal issue.

Client Observed Issues

For the first section of this page - Client Observed Issues, select “Yes” for the question “Pre-Populate Issue Category and Description with Most Recent Information?”.

Validate the “Primary observed issue” category is correct. If it’s incorrect, delete the text and select one from the drop-down menu that appears.

You don’t need to complete the “Secondary observed issue” question if not required.


Issue questionnaire

Next, complete the issue Questionnaire section.

Ensure you are completing these questions as accurately as possible.

Click “Next” to proceed to the next page or “Save” to save your progress and exit the form to return later.

Step 4: Consultant sign-off page

The final page is simply a “Consultant sign off” button. By clicking this button, the information you’ve completed on the previous pages (including if you used the note taking page) are saved and cannot be edited or altered later.

Next steps

Now that you have completed an appointment, the payment for this appointment will be included in your end of month remittance notice. The remittance notice is sent to you on the last day of the month.

Rebook your client