Migrating all case notes from another assist case

In the event that a new Assist Case has been created and the notes from the previous one are beneficial or needed to be included in the new Assist Case, you can manually migrate the notes.

You can’t bulk upload the case notes from all appointments. You can only copy and paste (migrate) notes from one appt to another.

Step 1: Find the appointment containing the notes you want to migrate

  1. In Quick View, find the appointment in the “Appointments recently completed” section. Remember this section can only display 5 appointments at a time. If you don’t see the appointment you want:

    1. Or

    2. Use the page number icon below the “Appointments recently completed” banner

  2. Then, click the appointment button on the left

Step 2: View the existing case notes and copy

After clicking the appointment button in the previous step, you’ll be presented with the appointment detail in classic view. Scroll down past the task filter to the sub-menu of options.

  1. Click “Case Details” tab

  2. Click “Case Note Information” sub-tab

  3. Click “View Case Note” button

Then, on the pop up, copy the case notes and paste it into a word document or text document and save to your desktop.

Step 3: Add the notes to the new appointment

Next, you can choose one of two options depending on if the new appointment (linked to the new Assist Case) has already been completed/commenced or if it has not yet been completed/commenced:

For Completed sessions:

  1. Go to Quick View and find the completed appointment click the appointment button on the left side of the listed appointment (the same as indicated in step 1)

  2. In the appointment details screen (the same one as indicated in step 2), click “Add Documents” then attach the Word or Text file.

You can view this document in the future by clicking the “Review Documents” button if needed.

Make sure you delete the file from your device after completing any of the steps.

For sessions that have not yet been completed or commenced:

  1. Go to Quick View and find the completed appointment click the appointment button on the left side of the listed appointment (the same as indicated in step 1)

  2. In the appointment details screen (the same one as indicated in step 2), the menu option “Attachments” then click “Add”, then click “Attach File(s)”then upload your document or text file.

You can view this document in the future by clicking the “Review Documents” button if needed.

Make sure you delete the file from your device after completing any of the steps.

For further assistance, contact User Support