Session count

Session count

When you click Rebook in the Quick view page of the Phoenix portal, the pop-up that appears will show you a detailed summary of the customers session availability.

Entitled sessions

This refers to the amount of appointments (sessions) that have been allocated to the customers' Assist Case, for this particular issue. The amount that is entitled to a customer varies depending on the contract between Converge and the employer, so remember not to assume the amount that will be provided and always reference the rebooking pop up to confirm the current status.

Used sessions

This refers to the amount of sessions that have been used in this particular Assist Case. The used sessions includes all appointments which have been:

  • Marked as completed

  • Marked as canceled (with more than 24hrs notice)

  • Future scheduled appointment(s)

Future scheduled appointments also count towards the “used sessions” count. This is to ensure the correct expectations are provided to the customer and consultant when planning the remaining appointments in their assist case.

Example: If the customer has 6 entitled appointments, and has 1 completed appointment, 1 late cancellation appointment (charged) and 1 future booked appointment, the rebooking screen will show 3 used, and 3 appointments remaining.

Remaining sessions

This refers to the amount of appointments remaining that are actually available to be booked, and does not include any scheduled (future) appointments.

Extra sessions

If eligible, the customer may be granted extra sessions. The amount of extra sessions that are granted varies and may be less than what was requested. Any approved extra sessions will be shown in the rebooking pop-up window, along the entitled, used and completed session counts.

Requesting extra sessions

Further reading