Enable Quick View for your practice

When Quick View is enabled for your practice, your practice will be able to access a simplified view of the extended Phoenix portal (the way you currently use Phoenix is now known as Classic View).

The simplified Quick View page has quick action buttons to complete, rebook, cancel/no show or amend an appointment.

Quick View.png


All appointments in the Quick View page are listed in chronological order (from oldest to newest) and displayed in three sections - Appointments not started (all of your upcoming and overdue appointments), In Progress (any appointments you’ve partially marked as done, but not yet completed) and Recently Completed (all completed, cancelled and no show appointments).

For most tasks like completing an appointment or rebooking, takes approximately 2-3 minutes and unlike in Classic View, you can complete the task you want in any order.

Some of the actions available in Quick View:

  • Rebooking a client for their next appointment (takes 2 minutes on average to complete)

  • Completing an appointment (takes 2-3 minutes)

  • Cancel an appointment (takes 1 minute)

  • Mark an appointment as a no show (takes 1 minute)

  • Edit the time and modality of an appointment (takes 1 minute)

  • Request extra sessions for a client (takes 2 minutes)

  • Audit and view all appointments by name or date range

How is work completed and by who

Currently, most practices complete work (such as rebooking, requesting extra sessions etc) via their admin or practice manager on behalf of their Nominee’s (clinicians) and this is all done by a single practice login using the Classic View processes.

When Quick View is enabled for your practice, you can choose two work delegation options:

Work delegation



Work delegation



Work delegation Option 1

Your administration or management team continue to be responsible for all aspects of Converge work; including Rebooking, Completing appointments, requesting extra sessions, etc.

Each Nominee has their own login username and password which is accessed and managed by your admin/management team and work is completed in the simplified Quick View.

  • Your admin centrally complete all appointments and manage all nominees centrally

  • Improved and simplified processes in Quick View

Work delegation Option 2

Your practice can delegate work to your Nominee (clinician).

Your Nominee(s) login to their own account and use the simplified Quick View process. Each nominee manages their own login details.

Your practice can have an overview of all clinicians via the existing practice login using Classic View.

  • Your Nominee will handle all client data; improving security and privacy for the client

  • Your Nominee will have their own login and complete work themselves in the portal

  • Improved and simplified processes in Quick View

When work is delegated to the Nominee (Work delegation option 2), your practice will be able to reduce the amount of people who have access to client data and outcomes of appointments (part of completing an appointment is indicating the client outcomes) as only the Nominee will be entering this data.

Remember, each appointment is 50 minutes long, plus 10 minutes admin time = 60 minutes. This 10 minutes admin time is more than sufficient to complete the appointment and rebook the client when using Quick View.

Verification codes
When choosing work delegation option 1, your practice will receive all verification codes by email. However if you do not want to rely on emails for verification codes, Converge can also add a mobile number to your Nominee profile(s) to receive the verification code - let us know during the induction process if you’d like this.

How notifications are managed with delegated logins

When you enable Quick View, you can choose one of two options for notifications:

Notification Options



Notification Options



Option 1

All notifications are sent to the Practice’s nominated intake email address, including anything related to appointments and invoices.

  • If you choose this option, you’ll need to email your Nominee whenever an appointment related notification is received as we can’t CC or email more than one inbox for these notification types.

Option 2

Notifications are split between the Nominee and Practice’s nominated email addresses.

You choose the email for the Nominee notifications and the Practice notifications according to the table below.

  • You’ll have all relevant client and appointment notifications delivered directly to the Nominee’s work email address only

  • Your practice won’t be notified about booking related notifications

  • If the practice admin/manager needs a copy of appointment related notifications, the Nominee will need to forward or setup a rule to auto forward emails

  • All invoices will be directed to the Practices' nominated email address

If notification option 2 is selected, here’s the detailed email routing:

Type of notification



Type of notification



New client referrals from Customer Service (we ask if the practice can take a new Adhoc client)

New appointment bookings


Modifications to appointment (new time, date)

Rebooking’s (made by anyone)

New client and 1st booking (for practices with Open telehealth schedules only)

Invoices (and RCTI’s)

How is the portal accessed?

The Phoenix portal will continue to be accessed via the existing URL (phoenix.convergeint.com).

If your practice chooses Delegation Option 1, your practice admin or manager will have a login username and password for each individual nominee and will login on behalf of these nominees and complete work for them (including completing an appointment, rebooking, etc.).

If your practice chooses Delegation Option 2, each nominee will have their own login username and password and those will be managed by the nominee. The nominee will go into the portal and mark appointments as completed in the Quick View page of the Phoenix portal and rebook clients themselves.

In both work delegation options, the Practice will still continue to be able to login using their existing Practice Admin login and be able to see all Nominee’s work and appointments via Classic View.

Each nominee user name is a numbered email address ending at convergeintl.com.au - these email addresses are placeholders for your username and not actually in use.

How is training delivered?

When you approve to enable Quick View, our User Support Team will schedule a call back with your team at a time and date of your choosing. The training will be via Microsoft Teams (no login or app is required) so we can share our screen and you can share yours if needed.

You are able to invite other team members of your practice to also train together. The training session, including the demonstration of Quick View, and enabling each nominee takes approximately 30 minutes in total.

After the training is completed, your practice will have access to our training portal via convergeinternational.com.au/support/consultant and can also raise support tickets for further support. Our training portal provides your practice with training video’s, guides and other important information.

Ready to get started?

Our User Support team are ready to help you. Please email support@convergeintl.com.au and we’ll schedule a call with you.

For all other technical support with Phoenix, raise a support ticket or view guides at convergeinternational.com.au/support/consultant