Completing an appointment: Practices / Classic View

Completing an appointment: Practices / Classic View

This guide provides information on how to rebook an existing client for practice admin’s and managers via Classic View.

Step 1: Navigate to your consultants' profile

As a practice manager, you’ll need to sign into your practice manager account and then navigate to your consultants' profile. After logging in:

  1. From the left menu, select “Consultant Search” and find the consultant from your practice.

  2. If your practice has plenty of consultants, use the search bar in the Consultant search.

  3. When you’ve found the consultant you want to action from, click the consultant name.

Step 2: Find the appointment to complete

Next, go to the consultants' Calendar and find the appointment.

  1. In “My Calendar” navigate to the date and time of the appointment in the calendar and then click the appointment.

  1. Alternatively you can click “Past due and upcoming appointments” above the calendar to view a list of appointments then click the appointment button on the left.

Step 3: Use the task filter

Next, on the appointment page, navigate to the “Task filter” and from the task filter list, select “Review & Start Appointment”.

If you don’t see “Review & Start appointment (Review)” in the task filter, you may see “Disclaimer”. If you see disclaimer, skip to step 5

Step 4: Commence appointment


On the next screen, scroll down pas the appointment summary until you reach the “Status of Appointment” section.

  1. From the “Appointment status” drop down menu, select “Commenced” to confirm you want to commence the session

  2. From the “Update client details section, click “No”

  3. Next, click “Proceed to Commence Appointment” button


Step 5: Task filter - Disclaimer

You’ll now be brought back to the appointment page and the task filter.

In the task filter, find and then click “Disclaimer (conduct)” to proceed

The disclaimer option only appears in the task filter for the 1st session. If you are completing the 2nd or subsequent session, you can skip the disclaimer steps - skip to step 7


Step 6: Disclaimer

Next, you’ll be taken to the disclaimer page. Tick the three disclaimer check boxes then click “Next page” button.


Step 7: Task Filter - Client Outcomes

You’ll now be brought back to the appointment page and the task filter.

In the task filter, find and then click “Client Outcomes” to proceed.


Step 8: Client Outcomes

Next, you’ll be brought to the “Client Outcomes” page, where you can optionally add notes for the case. If you choose to use the Converge note taking system, place your session notes in the appropriate text fields on this page. Using the converge note taking system means that Converge will manage all client data relating to this appointment.

When you have completed entering the notes from your session, or if you are not using Converge’s note taking system, click the “next page” button to proceed.

Step 9: Task filter - Capture issues

You’ll now be brought back to the appointment page and the task filter.

In the task filter, find and then click “Capture issues” to proceed.


Step 10: Capture Issues

On this page, you’ll be presented with “client observed issues' and “Issues Questionnaire” sections which have multiple choice questions.

For the first question “Default primary issue category and description?” select “Yes” to pre-fill some of the sections below.

This page and the questions within it are mandatory.

Click Next Page when done.


Step 11: Consultant Sign Off

Next, you’ll be taken to the “Consultant Sign off” page.

This page has a check box which must be ticket before being able to complete the case notes and close the session. Review the information panel and click “Complete Case Note” when you have completed this section. This will complete the appointment and close the appointment, ready for payment.



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