Ad hoc and open schedules

As an Associate with both an Ad hoc and Open schedule, it’s important to understand these two schedules and how to use them when rebooking.

Selecting the correct schedule when rebooking

After the first appointment (which is booked by Converge) you’ll be managing the client's rebooking's for all future appointments, cancellations and no shows.

When rebooking any client (Existing client’s and ones referred to you from Converge) you are expected to rebook them in your “Open” schedule of availability first before your “Ad Hoc” schedule. When rebooking any client, use the “Rebook with me” option and after inputting a range of dates, Phoenix will show you a set of results for available slots in your “Open” schedule.


  • Your Adhoc schedule is primarily used for overflow when your Open Schedule is at capacity

  • If you need to book a client who was originally booked as a Telehealth client because your Telehealth schedule is at capacity, after booking into your Adhoc schedule, you are to rebook subsequent sessions in your Open schedule as before

Telehealth (Open) schedules

An Telehealth schedule (may also be referred to as Open Calendar in some instances) indicates committed availability to Converge and doesn’t require the Client Services team to contact you and confirm you are available.

Receiving a referral

Converge can add new clients and existing client rebooking's to your open schedule with less than 24 hours notice (you’ll receive an email and SMS confirming a new booking). The bookings will only appear in the confirmed Open schedule times you have agreed to with Converge.

See this guide for rebooking into your Telehealth (Open) schedule:

Ad hoc schedules

An Ad hoc schedule indicates potential availability - when Converge does a global search for availability of consultants, your availability may appear as potentially available. These are not confirmed.

Receiving a referral

Our Client Services team will contact you to advise they have a referral and once they confirm your availability, they will pass the client’s contact details to you to contact to arrange a suitable time. Client Services will not book a client in your ad hoc schedule unless confirmed by you.

In these instances, once you’ve established a first session time and date with the client directly, you’ll need to contact the Client Services team to book the first session for you. Make sure you indicate that it’s the first session when contacting the Client Services team.

See this guide for rebooking into your Adhoc schedule when your Open schedule is at capacity: