Updated Customer and Client terminology

Converge International updated the terminology of Customer and Client. This change aligns with the wording and terminology used by organisations we work with and industry standards.

  • The end user of EAP products, previously known as the Client is now referred to as Customer

  • The Organisation or Company which was previously known as Customer is now referred to as Client or Organisation

  • Consultants who provide the EAP service on behalf of Converge International will continue to be known as Consultants

Transitioning this terminology

Converge International will gradually transition to this terminology over the period of 2024 in the following ways:

  • Our CS team is known as the Customer Service team - this is active now

  • Our User Support team will refer to clients as the customer in correspondence with you - this is active now

  • Our Customer Service and User Support Team (for Customers) will refer to clients as the customer in correspondence with them - this is active now

  • Our Phoenix portal will refer to the new terminology - this is in progress for late 2024

  • Automatic emails to you from our booking system will use the new terminology - this is in progress for late 2024

User Support Guides / Support Articles

  • Our User Support guides are an important component to your training and ongoing support. As there are over 200+ active articles, we will be updating all articles to the new terminology by Spring or Summer 2024.

  • Any article with a date of creation or last updated date (this information is visible at the top of the article) of April 2024 and earlier will have old terminology.

  • Any article with a date of creation or last updated date of May 2024 or later will have the new terminology.